This Clause was new in the 2013 Plan and corresponds to Cl. 13-3. Reference is made to the Commentary to Cl. 13-3.
As the exclusion of liability for damage to or loss of fixed installations that was contained in Cl. 18-14 of the 1996 Plan was removed is considered to represent a significant extension of coverage due to the very high values that fixed installations represent, lower limits of cover for such collision/striking liabilities are imposed for MOUs with values in excess of USD 500 million. For an MOU with sum insured of USD 500,000,000 or less the additional limit available to cover collision liabilities equal the sum insured as per Cl. 13-3. Thus if e.g. the sum insured under the H&M insurance is USD 400,000,000, the additional sum insured available for collision/striking liability is also limited to USD 400,000,000.
For an MOU with sum insured higher that USD 500,000,000 the additional limit available for such liabilities is USD 500,000,000 or 50% of the sum insured, whichever is the higher amount. That means that for an MOU with sum insured between USD 500,000,000 and USD 1,000,000,000 the collision liabilities will be covered under the insurance up to USD 500,000,000. If the sum insured is higher than USD 1,000,000,000 the sum available for such liabilities will be 50% of the sum insured. Thus if the sum insured is USD 1,500,000,000, the additional amount available for collision/striking liability will be USD 750,000,000.