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Section 8: Occupational injury insurance, etc.

  • Clause 15-23. Scope of cover

    Sub-clause 1 states that war risk insurance will cover death and disablement of the crew, insofar as it is a consequence of the assured's obligation by law or pursuant to a collective agreement to effect insurance to cover such eventualities.

    Sub-clause 2 makes the insurance subsidiary to any other insurance the assured may have effected, provided that the insurance in question includes loss as referred to in sub-clause 1. 

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    Clause 15-23. Scope of cover

    If, pursuant to law or collective agreements, the assured is required to effect insurance against death and disablement for the vessel's crew, the insurer covers the claims of the crew in this connection. If claims as mentioned in sub-clause 1 are covered by another insurance which the assured ha...