This Clause is identical to Cl. 10-5.
Insurance “against total loss only” occurs in very special situations, e.g. in connection with the towage of a ship that is to be sent to the breaker’s yard. In that event the insurer will only be liable for total loss in accordance with the rules in Chapter 11, i.e. where a ship is lost or so badly damaged that it cannot be repaired, is a constructive total loss, etc.
Where the ship is insured against total loss only, the consequence in relation to loss in connection with measures to avert or minimise the loss is that the insurer is only liable for such loss if it is attributable to measures taken to avert a relevant risk of a total loss. This principle follows from the rules in Chapter 4, Section 2, of the Plan, and it is therefore unnecessary to have any special rule on this in Cl. 10-5.
Where a case of general average has occurred, it is therefore necessary to split up the general average statement and cover the contribution to the extent that it refers to measures taken to avert or minimise the risk of a total loss. Contributions to so-called “common benefit” expenses are never recoverable; expenses in connection with putting into a port of refuge if the ship has suffered minor engine damage would perhaps be more doubtful.
If the ship has been damaged in consequence of an act of general average (or a similar act to save a ship in ballast), the damage under Cl. 4-10 is recoverable in accordance with the rules relating to particular loss, if such settlement is more favourable for the assured. This rule shall not apply in the event of T.L.O. insurance, given that, in that situation, no indemnity would have been agreed for the damage. The compensation will therefore always be calculated on the basis of the general average rules.
Furthermore, the rules contained in the general part of the Plan on accessory expenses shall apply. The insurer is liable for interest on the claim according to Cl. 5-4, and for costs in connection with the claims settlement, cf. Cl. 4-5. Furthermore, the insurer is liable for costs of providing security and costs of litigation, cf. Cl. 4-3 and Cl. 4-4, where the providing of security or the litigation is connected with events that would otherwise involve liability, thus primarily in connection with measures to avert a total loss. Costs in excess of the sum insured are recoverable in accordance with Cl. 4-19.