The ordinary trading area under the insurance comprises all waters, subject to the limitations laid down in the Appendix to the Plan as regards conditional and excluded areas. The person effecting the insurance shall notify the insurer before the vessel proceeds beyond the ordinary trading area.
The insurer may consent to trade outside the ordinary trading area and may require an additional premium. The insurer may also stipulate other conditions which shall constitute safety regulations, cf. Cl. 3-22 and Cl. 3-25, sub-clause 1.
The vessel is held covered for trade in the conditional trading areas, but if damage occurs while the vessel is in a conditional area with the consent of the assured and without notice having been given, the claim shall be settled subject to a deduction of one fourth, maximum USD 200,000. The provision in Cl. 12-19 shall apply correspondingly. If claims arising out of ice damage are a result of the assured’s failure to exercise due care and diligence, further reduction of the claim may be made based on the degree of the assured’s fault and the circumstances generally.
If the insurer has been duly notified in accordance with sub-clause 1 of trade within the conditional trading areas, the insurance remains in full force and effect, subject to compliance with conditions, if any, stipulated by the insurer.
If the vessel proceeds into an excluded trading area, the insurance ceases to be in effect, unless the insurer has given his consent in advance, or the infringement was not the result of an intentional act by the master of the vessel. If the vessel, prior to expiry of the insurance period, leaves the excluded area, the insurance shall again come into effect. The provision in Cl. 3-12, sub-clause 2, shall apply correspondingly.