Forsikringen omfatter drivgarn og ringnøter med nødvendig tilbehør, som befinner seg i sjøen, og som tilhører sikrede. Forsikringen omfatter likevel ikke sensorer o.l.
The distinction between objects which are on board the vessel and objects which are in the sea is commented on in further detail in the Commentary on Cl. 17-19 (b). The insurance does not cover any seines other than ring-nets in the water. The objects that are insured under the supplementary cove...
I tillegg til § 2-8 gjelder: Assurandøren dekker ikke tap som skyldes:
Sikrede har bevisbyrden for at tapet ikke skyldes farer som nevnt i litra (a) - (e).
The most common damage is that seines get caught on the sea bed. The insurers are prepared to cover such damage subject to the limitations that follow from sub-clauses (a) to (e). Such cover could actually be achieved by extending the Clause defining liability, while otherwise retaining the...
For hvert enkelt havari fratrekkes det beløp som er oppgitt i forsikringsavtalen.
The deductible shall be agreed on an individual basis and be stated in the insurance contract. The deductible shall also apply in the event of total loss.
I tillegg til § 3-29 gjelder:Sikrede skal sende melding om havariet til fiskerioppsynet med opplysning om hvor og når tapet fant sted, merker og alder, og andre opplysninger som kan ha betydning for å identifisere de tapte redskapene.
The purpose of the provision is to make it possible to identify lost objects if they are recovered. This provision comes in addition to the ordinary duty to notify the insurer in Cl. 3-29. In the event of a failure to comply with this duty, Cl. 3-31 shall apply. The text was slightly amended in t...