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Kapitel 8: Medforsikring af tredjemand

  • § 8-1. Tredjemands ret mod assurandøren

    Hvis forsikringen udtrykkelig er tegnet til fordel for en tredjemand, beskytter forsikringen også denne parts interesse indenfor anvendelsesområdet og de overordnede grænser for forsikringen.

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    Clause 8-1. Rights of third parties against the insurer

    The Clause corresponds to Cl. 8-1, sub-clause 1, of the 2013 Plan. In Version 2016, the last part of the sub-clause was added and the identification provision previously found in the sub-clause was moved to Cl. 8-3, sub-clause 3. NMIP 2013 Cl. 8-1, sub-clause 2, had references to Cl. 7-3,...

  • § 8-2. Beskyttelse af tredjemand mod krav om subrogation fra assurandøren

    Assurandøren har ingen ret til subrogation mod medforsikrede tredjemand, undtagen og i det omfang en sådan rettighed er specificeret i forsikringsaftalen eller når medforsikrede tredjemand har påtaget sig en udtrykkelig kontraktuel forpligtelse overfor en sikret om at forblive ansvarlig for tab af den slags som ellers er dækket af forsikringsaftalen.

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    Clause 8-2. Protection of third parties against subrogation claims from the insurer

    The Clause was new in 2016. The first part of the provision states the main rule: The insurer has no right of subrogation against the co-insured third party. As mentioned in the General Commentary to Chapter 8 above, an important reason why the person effecting the insurance agrees to name the...

  • § 8-3. Anvendelse af reglerne i kapitel 3 og § 5-1

    Reglerne om oplysningspligt i kapitel 3, Afsnit 1, finder ligeledes anvendelse for den medforsikrede tredjemand, såfremt han er bekendt med at han er navngivet i policen.

    Assurandøren kan anvende reglerne i kapitel 3, Afsnit 2-5, eller § 5-1 mod en medforsikret tredjemand.

    Assurandøren kan anvende reglerne om identifikation i § 3-36 til § 3-38 mod en medforsikret tredjemand.

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    Clause 8-3. Application of the rules in Chapter 3 and Clause 5-1

    The Clause was new in 2016. Sub-clause 1 is identical with Cl. 8-2, sub-clause 1, of the 2013 Plan, whereas Cl. 8-2, sub-clause 2, of the 2013 Plan is deleted. Sub-clause 3 repeats the identification clause found in the 2013 Plan, Cl. 8-1 in fine.  The provision in sub-clause 1 regulates a...

  • § 8-4. Ændring og opsigelse af forsikringsaftalen

    Er forsikringsaftalen ændret  eller opsagt, gælder dette også i forhold til den medforsikrede tredjemand.

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    Clause 8-4. Amendments and cancellation of the insurance contract

    This Clause corresponds to Cl. 8-3 of the 2013 Plan. The Clause was not amended in substance in 2016, but the words “any co-insured third party” has been replaced by the words “the co-insured third party”. The provision gives the person effecting the insurance a far-reaching authority to amend or...

  • § 8-5. Håndtering af krav, kravsopgørelse etc.

    Nødvendige afgørelser foretaget i forbindelse med havarier, opgørelser eller krav mod tredjemand kan foretages uden deltagelse af enhver medforsikret tredjemand. 

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    Clause 8-5. Handling of claims, claims adjustment, etc.

    The Clause was new in 2016, but corresponds to the provision found in Cl. 8-1, sub-clause 2, of the 2013 Plan which contained a reference to Cl. 7-3, sub-clause 1. The provision states that a co-insured third party is not entitled to participate in discussions in respect of casualties, adjustment...

  • § 8-6. Andre forsikringer

    Hvis den medforsikrede tredjemands krav om erstatning under forsikringen også er dækket under anden forsikring som han har tegnet, er dækning under dette kapitel subsidiær i forhold til denne anden forsikring.

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    Clause 8-6. Other insurance

    The Clause was new in 2016. The provision prescribes that the insurance is subsidiary to another insurance that the co-insured third party has taken out. Consequently, the insurer shall only be liable to the extent that the co-insured third party has not obtained cover under the other insurance,...

  • § 8-7. Uafhængig medforsikring af panthaver og navngiven tredjemand.

    Er det udtrykkeligt aftalt at en panthavers eller en navngiven tredjemands interesse skal være uafhængigt medforsikret, kan assurandøren ikke påberåbe sig at han er uden ansvar som følge af en handling eller undladelse fra forsikringstagerens eller anden sikredes side i henhold til reglerne indeholdt i kapitel 3 og § 5-1.

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    Clause 8-7. Independent co-insurance of mortgagees or named third parties

    The Clause was new in 2016 and corresponds to Cl. 8-4 of the 2013 Plan. The title was altered to clarify that the Clause applies both to mortgagees and to named third parties. Certain modifications were also made in the text itself.  The provision gives extended protection to a mortgagee and a...