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Kapittel 8: Medforsikring av tredjemann

  • § 8-1. Tredjemanns rett mot assurandøren

    Er forsikringen uttrykkelig tegnet til fordel for en tredjemann, beskytter forsikringen hans interesse innenfor dekningsomfanget og de rammer forsikringen setter.

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    Clause 8-1. Rights of third parties against the insurer

    The Clause corresponds to Cl. 8-1, sub-clause 1, of the 2013 Plan. In Version 2016, the last part of the sub-clause was added and the identification provision previously found in the sub-clause was moved to Cl. 8-3, sub-clause 3. NMIP 2013 Cl. 8-1, sub-clause 2, had references to Cl. 7-3,...

  • § 8-2. Beskyttelse av tredjemenn mot regresskrav fra assurandøren

    Assurandøren har ikke rett til å søke regress mot medforsikret tredjemann unntatt og i den grad slik adgang er angitt i forsikringsavtalen eller den medforsikrede tredjemann har påtatt seg en uttrykkelig kontraktsmessig forpliktelse overfor en sikret om å være ansvarlig for tap som ellers ville ha vært dekket av forsikringen.

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    Clause 8-2. Protection of third parties against subrogation claims from the insurer

    The Clause was new in 2016. The first part of the provision states the main rule: The insurer has no right of subrogation against the co-insured third party. As mentioned in the General Commentary to Chapter 8 above, an important reason why the person effecting the insurance agrees to name the...

  • § 8-3. Anvendelse av reglene i kapittel 3 og § 5-1

    Reglene i kapittel 3 avsnitt 1 skal gjelde tilsvarende for den medforsikrede tredjemann, forutsatt at han er klar over at han er nevnt i forsikringsavtalen.

    Assurandøren kan påberope reglene i kapittel 3 avsnitt 2 – 5 eller § 5-1 overfor en medforsikret tredjemann.

    Assurandøren kan påberope reglene vedrørende identifikasjon i § 3-36 - § 3-38 overfor en medforsikret tredjemann.

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    Clause 8-3. Application of the rules in Chapter 3 and Clause 5-1

    The Clause was new in 2016. Sub-clause 1 is identical with Cl. 8-2, sub-clause 1, of the 2013 Plan, whereas Cl. 8-2, sub-clause 2, of the 2013 Plan is deleted. Sub-clause 3 repeats the identification clause found in the 2013 Plan, Cl. 8-1 in fine.  The provision in sub-clause 1 regulates a...

  • § 8-4. Endringer i og oppsigelse av forsikringsavtalen

    Er forsikringsavtalen endret eller oppsagt, gjelder dette også i forhold til medforsikret tredjemann.

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    Clause 8-4. Amendments and cancellation of the insurance contract

    This Clause corresponds to Cl. 8-3 of the 2013 Plan. The Clause was not amended in substance in 2016, but the words “any co-insured third party” has been replaced by the words “the co-insured third party”. The provision gives the person effecting the insurance a far-reaching authority to amend or...

  • § 8-5. Behandling av krav, erstatningsberegninger etc.

    Avgjørelser som må tas i forbindelse med havarier, erstatningsberegninger eller krav mot tredjemann kan fattes uten deltakelse av den medforsikrede tredjemann.

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    Clause 8-5. Handling of claims, claims adjustment, etc.

    The Clause was new in 2016, but corresponds to the provision found in Cl. 8-1, sub-clause 2, of the 2013 Plan which contained a reference to Cl. 7-3, sub-clause 1. The provision states that a co-insured third party is not entitled to participate in discussions in respect of casualties, adjustment...

  • § 8-6. Annen forsikring

    Hvis den medforsikrede tredjemanns krav på erstatning også er dekket av en annen forsikring han har tegnet, er dekningen i henhold til dette kapittel subsidiær i forhold til den andre forsikringen.

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    Clause 8-6. Other insurance

    The Clause was new in 2016. The provision prescribes that the insurance is subsidiary to another insurance that the co-insured third party has taken out. Consequently, the insurer shall only be liable to the extent that the co-insured third party has not obtained cover under the other insurance,...

  • § 8-7. Selvstendig medforsikring av panthaver og navngitt tredjemann

    Dersom det er uttrykkelig avtalt at panthaverinteressen eller en navngitt tredjemann skal være selvstendig medforsikret, kan assurandøren ikke gjøre gjeldende at han er uten ansvar i forhold til forsikringstageren eller en annen medforsikret på grunn av en handling eller unnlatelse som skal bedømmes etter reglene i kapittel 3 eller
    § 5-1.

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    Clause 8-7. Independent co-insurance of mortgagees or named third parties

    The Clause was new in 2016 and corresponds to Cl. 8-4 of the 2013 Plan. The title was altered to clarify that the Clause applies both to mortgagees and to named third parties. Certain modifications were also made in the text itself.  The provision gives extended protection to a mortgagee and a...