Ved mislykket søsætning dækker assurandøren forsikredes ekstraudgifter ved at gennemføre søsætningen.
This Commentary was rewritten in the 2013 Plan. This Clause deals with the indemnification of additional costs in connection with unsuccessful launching. This means that the costs that are covered are additional to what is covered under the other conditions of the builders’ risks insurance. An...
Assurandøren dækker forsikredes udgifter til nødvendig bortskaffelse af vrag fra steder, der ejes eller disponeres af værftet.
This Commentary was rewritten in the 2013 Plan. This Clause deals with the insurer’s indemnification of costs incurred by the assured for the “necessary removal of wrecks”. In this connection, “wreck” means the wreck of the subject-matter insured or its components. Removal is necessary when it i...