Er forsikringen tegnet “kun mod totaltab”, svarer assurandøren for totaltab i overensstemmelse med reglerne i kapitel 11.
This Clause is identical to Cl. 10-5. Insurance “against total loss only” occurs in very special situations, e.g. in connection with the towage of a ship that is to be sent to the breaker’s yard. In that event the insurer will only be liable for total loss in accordance with the rules in Chapter...
Hvis forsikringen er tegnet “på strandingsbetingelser”, svarer assurandøren for:
This Clause is identical to Cl. 10-8. This provision affords the same cover as Cl. 10-7, plus a limited cover against damage and against loss in connection with measures taken to avert such damage. The provision will hardly be of any great significance in connection with ordinary hull insurance,...